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Objections/Comments  -  City Deal Project – ESSO and Scotts Yard Bowling

The Proposed Local Development Plan 2


I object to the city deal project  - Esso and Scots Yard Bowling on the following grounds - 

A 5.5 acre field and access lane recorded as being within this site boundary belongs to Susan Dick and is designated as Greenbelt land. 

Your policy GB1 – Greenbelt & Countryside. The City Deal Project –Esso and Scotts Yard Bowling in respect of the land belonging to Susan Dick does not meet any requirements mentioned within this policy.

Your plans to build several access roads will hinder the movement of wildlife and render the remaining land within this 5.5 acre site more or less unusable/unsuitable for the current uses to which it is put namely pony grazing as well as wildlife/conservation/biodiversity not to mention the social inclusion activities for the wider community. All of these you are promoting within your council town plans and some of these reasons have been used by yourselves to protect the fields at Duntiglennan and Youngs Farm.

There is a core path right through the middle of her land. Policy CON3  - Core Paths And Natural Routes states that the council will not be supportive of development which disrupts or adversely impacts on any existing right of way, core path or footpath used by the general public for recreational or other purposes.  

This land is adjacent to the Inner Clyde Special Protection Area (SPA) and any development on it may affect the protected redshanks both during construction and once completed. 


Can the wider contaminated Esso site really be made safe in regards to the future health of the  public, any guarantees of this and will full disclosure of contamination be given to public and councillors alike. I am concerned that ESSO themselves have stated that the wider site is not fit for end purpose.  

At the very least could these planned roads be rerouted away from this greenbelt land or is there really a need for quite so many? This could lessen the impact on the SPA. 



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